- Langue : anglais
- Autre : l'adolescence c'est moche, mais encore plus si t'es Ryot
Some people are born with a guardian angel watching over them. No matter where they are and in what situation, they know they'll end up back on their feet with only added experience as a testament of their long and adventurous journey. Those people are legends. They are also definitely not Ryot. Fate was less kind with this young man — if young is what he may be called. When he got out of bed this morning, he was quite confident he had been 28 years old just the night before. That's twenty-eight. That's almost thirty. A man by all accounts. Yet the face that was looking back at him in the mirror told a different story. He still looked quite ugly (let's not kid ourselves), but he looked... younger. Younger, yet not renewed. Even at sixteen Ryot had been an awful sight. Whereas other kids his age boasted a peachy skin — except perhaps the few young boys whose chins started to grow fuzzy like kiwis — his was dry and rough. It hurt when he tried to smile. His jaw was not well-adjusted and his back problems had just started to set in. A growth spurt, his adoptive mother had told him. A bad night's rest, his adoptive father had said. His adoptive brother's theory had sounded far more logical : Ryot was an old man born into a youngster's body. Possession ! he had yelled one morning, confusing the young teenager. You are possessed by some wise old man ! Alas, Ryot was not wise, nor would he ever be. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. This morning's mystery had yet to be solved : why oh why was Ryot sixteen again ?
Dernière édition par Siparti le Dim 08 Déc 2019, 22:46, édité 1 fois